Colors, Energy Cultivation and Wavelengths
Colors, Energy Cultivation and Wavelengths Colors are specific wavelengths of visible light and have accompanying energy depending on said wavelength. As your mind attempts to dial-into a specific color, so…
Energy Healing and the Spirit’s Approval
Energy Healing and the Spirit’s Approval The School of Chi Energy Presents a Q & A Here is a question by a Third Year Student looking for advice from the…
Qigong and Energy Healing
Qigong and Energy Healing At the School of Chi Energy, we are often asked if we have something against traditional Chi Gung or Qi Gong styles because we have said…
Chakra Truths about Vortexes
The School of Chi Energy Present a Seminar on: Chakra Truths about Vortexes Play to listen or click this link to download Chakras and Vortexes Questions and Answers mp3 seminar.…